
⬇️ Klockwork Orange V11
⬇️ Klockwork Gate V11
⬇️ Stargate Gate V10
⬇️ Gorilla Grip V10

This season I decided to check out some of the historical classics that Nowra has to offer.

As most of these do not top out I’d never been to keen, however due to some local psyche I headed down for a couple of weekend trips to sample the goods.

1st Day: I checked out the classic Klockwork Orange V11, with some premo conditions & to my surprise I bagged the send quickly. Classic awkward undercling stand start to some precision moves, and then a big pounce to finish.

Here I also managed to tickle the top of Clockwork Gate on my next attempt, allas good to have things to come back for 😊



2nd Day: I went back to snag a quick send of Clockwork Gate V11, classic start as for Klockwork Orange, then jugs to a final huge move and tricky match. Oh wait, forgot to press record on the camera, hot dang. Well, psyche was high so may as well go again. 2nd time up, fumbled the undercling.. Rest, breathe & patience. Vid Send. Nice!!



3rd Day: Psyche & skin where good I was keen on one more at The Lot, Stargate V10! Phew, that was hard work as the energy slowly faded, but wow, how good is that afternoon light!!
A tricky dead-point start was the main crux & so after not landing the last big move properly and being unable to match for the send I rested, reset and did the same thing again, haha whaaat, but I dug deep, re-adjusted like a cramped hamstring, matched and done! mmh, good times.



4th Day: Tried this one on day 2, see the big splat!? Quite tricky overall, good power endurance. Pretty smoked after the first day’s frenzy out, but well, psyche does rule all. Managed to shake my hips to the right rhythm and jig my way to the top of Gorilla Grip V10.



Stoked on meeting some of the cool Nowra locals as well, very nice bunch 🙏🏻


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